
This is a package allowing simulation of superfluids. The first intention of this package is to solve the Gross-Pitaevskii equation to simulation Bose-Einstein Condensates. It evolved into a more advance package in order to solve Quantum-Turbulence. Soon, it should be able to solve the HVBK and Navier-Stokes equations (incompressible). Derivatives are estimated through Fourier transformations or finite differences.

In order to be parallel (distributed), this package exploits intensively PencilArrays. Most of the package is written using broadcast, and is compatible with both CPU arrays (Array) and CUDA arrays (CuArray). It was not tested for other array type, yet. Every array creation is inferred from the Grid array type.

This package is authored by Corentin Lothodé, and largely inspired by GPS a Fortran program by Philippe Parnaudeau.


For the moment, SuperFluids.jl is not in the julia registry. You need to get it by yourself:

pkg> add

Get sources

To get sources, you can clone the project:

git clone

Start Julia :

julia --project=.

Import package :

julia> using SuperFluids

Build documentation

Simply run:

julia --project --color=yes docs/make.jl